How does Vonage VoIP ?

With Vonage you can call landlines and mobiles from your high-speed Internet and your existing home phone. Watch the video below to learn more.

Vonage works by using your Internet

Vonage routes your phone calls from your existing Internet connection instead of a traditional phone line. But even if your phone uses the Internet, it has nothing to do with your computer. In fact, your computer or laptop does not even need to be plugged to use Vonage. The people you call do not need Vonage or an Internet connection. They only need a regular phone. Also, when someone calls your Vonage phone, your phone rings as usual.

Prerequisites for using Vonage

- A high speed Internet connection to broadband cable or DSL
- A regular home phone or landline handset
- Canadian shipping address (no PO Box)
- A Vonage phone adapter - the device that connects your broadband connection to your phone
- A Canadian credit card

Multiple phones on a single Vonage line

Cordless phone system
Some wireless systems are equipped with a telephone and a base option handsets. The base of the cordless telephone plugs directly into the Vonage phone adapter. Multiple handsets can be placed anywhere in the house. The only restriction on the number of handsets you can get depends on the number of handsets that can be supported by your device.
household wiring
Use the wiring of your existing telephone line to route Vonage service in your home to your existing phone jacks. Vonage line can support up to five phones.


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